Saturday, December 29, 2007

A Letter from Mom

December 29th, 2007

Hi Guys,

I hope all is well with you I am feeling great. I've never done this before so I thought what the heck try something new. 2007 wasn't the best year on record and I am going to hope that 2008 will be better. I am going to make new year's resolutions that I can keep. Okay try to keep. I did pretty good with my one last year which was to eat a bowl of oatmeal every morning instead of 2 crispy cream donuts. My colesteral did go down by 30 points so maybe there is some truth in the fact about eating oatmeal. I do eat the maple and brown sugar as I don't want to get to carried away with being a health nut. I am very fortunate to have a high metabolism as my weight has been the same for the last 26 years. But you can't let the package fool you, I can still get winded running up a flight of stairs even though I only weigh 116lbs.
My brother died earlier this year in March at the age of 55. He died very suddenly of a brain anyursim. My mother died from the same thing when she was only 47 and my dad died from a heart attack at the age of 59. They were all healthy people who died in an instant. Being only 52 years of age I really believe life is short you have to enjoy it. My motherly advice to you is
1. Don't worry about what you eat as long as you eat it in moderation.
2. Have a hobby it is so important to not be bored.
3. Always carry a book with you. So if you are kept waiting you won't mind as you can pass the time and entertain yourself.
I have to run for now. I need to go take a show as AJ is home from UVIC and he we are going to go see Aunti El. They are moving her from the hospital where she had to have hip replacement surgury after they tried pinning her hip. This all occured over a 10 day period. She spent her 92 birthday in the hopital. No way to spend such a special birthday. Then we are off to take AJ out comic book shopping so he can get some comics here that he can get in Victoria.

Bye for now I will write more later,
